Παρασκευή 24 Ιουλίου 2015

The end of an era?

It has been a long-dreaded and persistent rumour: our school is not going to open next year. We lived with that threat for almost two years, both teachers and students sharing the same bitterness. Today the rumour was confirmed and the threat was carried out. So it is definite, not a mere speculation any more, but a plain matter of fact. The foreign languages school downsizes. No more French, German, Italian or Spanish classes.

The only department which seems to survive in a cut-down version – for how long who knows? – is that of the English language. So my near and dear readers of these lines, you should be aware that in September you will be able to register only for B, C, Lower & Proficiency classes, which will probably be held at the central building of LS Parnassos, at St. George Karytsi square.
We’ll be in contact to let you know every small detail asap.

But before finishing off, I can’t help lamenting the closure of our school. Some of you may still remember December 2008 riots. When downtown Athens was on fire and enveloped in a cloud of tear-gas, only a bunch of mad devotees, teachers and students of Parnassos School of Foreign Languages, defied any sense of danger, ignored the barricades, and not once but many a time came to classes faithful to their duty. And since troubles have never left this land, many of you can recall times that reaching the school seemed impossible, because you had to walk through crowds of demonstrators, under the blaze of Molotov cocktails. But even under these harsh conditions, you still kept coming to your classes. It was the feeling of community we all shared, an incentive for you as students and us as teachers.

I want to thank you all for your keen interest and your faithful and sincere support. It is a feeling and a memory I will always treasure. 

Our classroom - 2015 by Kelly V.